воскресенье, 16 октября 2011 г.

AIESEC for new members

We are very proud to announce, that now we have 52 new bright individuals in AIESEC NSTU.

Last weekend we had conference for our "fresh members" called AIESEC-Introduction Seminar. There were about 65 people there. Also we have amazing chair of our conference - Egor Utkin.
He is AIESEC alumni 3 years already and now he is in organizational committee of the biggest AIESEC conference - "International Congress" 2012, which will take place in Moscow in August 2012.

The conference was awesome, delegates were happy and facilitators are tired :)
So happy to welcome new generation of people who will change the world.
(I am still hope, that we recruite future president of AIESEC International, hehe).


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