пятница, 26 августа 2011 г.

[Story-telling] Pushkal from India

Today we want to share with you story of Pushkal. He was intern in one of social project of AIESEC NSTU last summer.
Also you can enjoy pictures from his internship in facebook album - here.

"This poem is about my 1 month internship in Russia...it was by far the best trip of my life..i dedicate this poem to all the lovely people of Russia..

I’m writing this poem on a flight,
Recalling the cherished moments with thorough insight,
When I first arrived in your beautiful city,
There was complete peace and serenity,
Everything in your city was quiet and calm,
As if, people had forgotten to put their morning alarm,
I arrived amidst excitement and confusion,
But somehow, I enjoyed this weird fusion,
I was fully prepared for this unique internship,
Hoping to pave the way for a new friendship,
I enjoyed camping at the island “Medveishka”,
Thereby tasting your much relished “greichka”,
This internship became more nostalgic and surreal,
When I met interns from Austria, Poland, China and Brazil,
I tried my best to acquaint myself with Russian mentality,
And it was heart warming to witness your hospitality,
It was funny when people in the subway used to stare,
Even at Studentcheskaya and Lenin Square! ,
I’ll miss all the fun we had,
Specially during the night when Kuba went mad ,
I’m leaving Russia with many unforgettable memories,
This quite literally made the time seize,
But as they say, “all good things come to an end”,
I shall leave, my dear friends,
We’ll surely meet again if it’s written in our fate,
May our immortal bond remain intimate!!"

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